Season of Giving

Dear Parents and Caregivers:

The holiday season is a wonderful time to celebrate and share with family and friends; however for some in our school community this time of year brings an additional, deeper financial stress.

The Lincoln School community has a long tradition of supporting one another especially during difficult times.  In the past, through generous donations, we have been able to provide families in need with children’s gifts to help supplement their holiday expenditures.  This year, we would like to assist families who are facing financial struggles by providing gift cards to supplement their holiday expenses.

If you need assistance this holiday season please use this link to provide us with specific information.  We must receive your request for assistance by Friday, December 1st.   We are not yet able to estimate how many gift cards we will be able to provide until we receive more information about how many families need assistance and what we receive in donations. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you would like to make a donation of gift card(s) please use this link for instructions and sign up information.  Thank you for your support of our community.

Be well,

Laurie Lawler, Principal

Tracey Marino, Assistant Principal

Abbie DeMagistris, ACCESS Special Education Teacher

Jaime Wicklund, School Psychologist