Employment Opportunities
Melrose Public Schools Employment Opportunities Via School Spring
Anti-Discrimination Statement
The Melrose Public Schools is committed to maintaining a school environment free of discrimination and harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability. Harassment or discrimination by administrators, teachers, certified and support personnel, students, vendors and other individuals at school or at school-sponsored events is unlawful and is strictly prohibited. Retaliation against any individual who has brought harassment or discrimination to the attention of school officials or who has cooperated in an investigation of a complaint under district policy is unlawful and will not be tolerated by the Melrose Public Schools. The Melrose Public Schools requires all employees and students to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner with respect to their fellow employees, students and all members of the school community.
Persons who engage in harassment, discrimination or retaliation may be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to reprimand, suspension, termination/expulsion or other sanctions as determined by the school administration and/or School Committee, subject to applicable procedural requirements.
The Melrose Public School Committee’s policy of nondiscrimination will extend to students, staff, the general public, and individuals with whom it does business. No person will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination or harassment in any program of activity of the Melrose Public Schools on account of age, race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability. If someone feels that he or she has been discriminated against or harassed because of age, race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability, their complaint should be reported to the school principal or the district’s Civil Rights Coordinator. Proceedings will follow the district’s Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedures.