Dear Winthrop Families,
As we head into Labor Day Weekend, I wanted to thank you all for your partnership with us. We have had an amazing opening two days filled with community building activities while we learned about the important routines and procedures for success throughout the year. The students have done an amazing job with the transition to a new school year, and there were numerous examples of joy and kindness at Winthrop School this week. Thank you for your part in that!
Schools Closed September 1st and 4th:
A reminder all Melrose schools are closed this Friday, September 1st and Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day.
Demonstration Concert:
Grade 3, 4, and 5 students will be viewing a demonstration concert within the next two weeks to learn about different instruments and to see if they might be interested in participating in the instrumental program. Information will be coming from Steve Black, K-12 Director of Visual and Performing Arts, and Eric Duback, music teacher at Roosevelt/MVMMS/MH in charge of the scheduling for the instrumental program.
Emergency Preparedness Exercises:
Throughout the school year, all Melrose Public Schools participate in emergency preparedness exercises. Our first announced fire drill will take place on Thursday of next week. I will share information about our additional drills in the coming weeks. Our staff does an amazing job preparing all of our students for these drills. Please be assured that we take an age-appropriate and calming approach to all of our emergency preparedness exercises and will inform you about them as they are approaching.
Winthrop PTO:
The first PTO Meeting of 2023-2024 will be on September 14th at 7:00 P.M. in the All Purpose Room at the Winthrop school or by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 751 895 1355
Passcode: wildcat
Open House:
Our annual Back to School Open House is Thursday, September 21st at 5:30-6:30 P.M. for all grades. Our guests will go directly to classrooms at 5:30. More details will be forthcoming about this event.
Early Dismissal Wednesday, September 27th at 12:20:
It is a good time to call to your attention that Wednesday, September 27th is an early release day for Elementary Schools only with a 12:20 dismissal. Early Bird and Education Stations are open on the September 27th early release day.
Pedestrian/Bike/Vehicle Safety around Winthrop School:
In the interest of keeping everyone safe, we are asking all of our students and families to remain clear of the drop off area at morning arrival while cars are pulling in and out. The sidewalk adjacent to the drop off zone along First Street should not be used, do not walk across the driveway entrance or exit, and please take a left after the basketball court and walk along the Winthrop playground sidewalk instead if approaching from that end of First Street. While outside during drop off, please keep the turn out driveway clear. We have some additional pylons out to remind everyone of these important areas to avoid. The drop off area is closed after morning arrival for the day.
For those driving and parking, please be respectful of our neighbors and keep their driveways clear while parking your vehicles. Thank you for being kind and respectful to our Winthrop neighbors!
New Thrillshare Communication Application:
We recommend that families add as one of your contacts. This will permit messages coming from Winthrop and the District that will be sent via Thrillshare, the District’s new communication platform, from that address.
Lastly, thank you all for your ongoing support of the Winthrop School!
Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, and we will see you on Tuesday.
Michael Tracy, Principal